Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Prayer Flag Project

I read about this is the March/ April 2012 Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine.  It is a great way to experiment, express your feelings, and send prayers and good thoughts out into the world.  I find myself asking for prayer on a more regular basis as I fight some personal health challenges, but to pray for others and create a physical manifestation of those prayers allows me to give something back.  I am excited to get started on my own Prayer Flags.  Spread the word!Prayer Flag Project Website

Monday, March 26, 2012

Too Many Interests....Not Enough Time!

How do you choose?  My current obsessions:  ATC's, markers, and Zentangle.  Is it crafty ADD?  I can't choose just one and my mind is always coming up with other ideas and other things I want to dig out of my stash.  Today, I pull out stamps.  Now, theoretically the stamps are for the ATC swaps I have upcoming.  Unfortunately, as I've been researching more markers (birthday money to spend, ya know), I have started to be pulled toward digi art and cardmaking.  Yikes!  See the way my mind wanders?

Some of my recent ATC's: